We have over 20 years of construction experience from excavation to roofing and everything in between.

After years of working for others and gaining experience, we branched out on our own in 2023 and formed the Wright Roofing Company.

At Wright Roofing we believe in building relationships and providing top-quality workmanship.

We are not just roofers. We are craftsmen and take great pride in our work.

I have personally overseen 300 projects and handled nearly $4M in insurance claims.

Our company is known for its integrity. We are honest people and own our mistakes.

And, last but certainly not least, we strongly believe in giving back to the community.

Do you have a unique situation? We are able to think outside the box and find cost-effective solutions where seemingly there is none.

Is your insurance company giving you a hard time? We have worked with nearly every insurance company to get claims filed and processed.


James Hodge

General Manager

Derik Sweeney

Construction Manager

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